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Date: August 16, 1988
Location: Eden, Sheboygan, Plymouth, Oshkosh, Appleton, Fond du Lac
County: Fond du Lac/Sheboygan

Source: Fond du Lac, WI Reporter August 18, 1988

Details of Incident:


UFO frightens cows near Eden

Eden's John Dins lives under a commonly used flight path for the Oshkosh and Fond du Lac airports. So he's used to seeing all sorts of jets and planes fly over at night.

But none of them had ever frightened his cows before.

Dins, a dairy farmer, was taking his cows out of the barn 11:15 p.m. Tuesday when they suddenly turned around and rushed back in.

"I wanted to know what was out there that had scared them," Dins said. "So I walked around the building and off to the east there was this big, oval or saucer-shaped thing with orange lights. I'd say it was 1,000 feet up and it had to be 100 feet in diameter."

"At first, I just thought it was jets in formation," continued Dins, of 1781 Vista Drive. "But I watched it for 15 to 20 seconds and it didn't move and there was no noise associated with it. It just sat there. It was kind of scary. It was a hot night, but I got chills looking at it."

Dins then went to get his wife, Marie, because, "I wanted someone else to see it, I didn't want anyone to think I was crazy."

But when Dins looked again, the object was gone. Later, Dins saw the orange lights off farther to the east.

"They were the same color as the lights before," he said. "They would go off and on. It was definitely not an airplane. I've seen lots of jets fly by with their landing lights on. I've never seen anything like this before."

Dins, 41, called the police, who later got several other calls according to Chief Deputy Sheriff Ed Henke.

Similar looking unidentified flying objects were also reported over Lake Michigan according to the Associated Press.

Kate Ludwig, of Sheboygan, said she was walking with her son, Matthew, 12, and a friend, Mary Belleau, when they saw a series of bright red lights Tuesday night.

"There were seven or eight of them, 50 to 75 times the size of lights you would see on a plane. They were huge," Ludwig said. "They were in a precise line, but were curved on the end."

Belleau said she observed a yellow band of light between the red lights.

"The lights stretched out, expanding outward, and then appeared to fall in toward the center," she explained. "One of them disappeared. It all happened within seconds."

The Associated Press said strange lights were also observed Tuesday night by four people gathered in a yard at a different Sheboygan location. A man, who asked not to be identified, said he saw as many as 10 lights followed by "a 'V' formation ... I don't know what I was seeing. Not planes, not helicopters. I just don't know. There were no sounds."

Inspector Clarence Kolb, of the Sheboygan Police Department, said he had heard speculation that the lights might have been from military night photography exercises, but had no further information than that.

Source: Racine, WI Journal Times, August 20, 1988

Air Force claims UFO actually B-52

With a little help from the military, the mystery of Sheboygan's UFO sightings on Tuesday night appears to be solved, at least partially, officials said Friday.

According to Sgt. Craig Dooms, a public information specialist at Eaker Air Force Base in Blytheville, Ark., a B-52 bomber was over Lake Michigan Tuesday night just after 11 p.m. dropping flares one at a time and in clusters.

The huge long-range strategic bomber was testing its war-time defense system against heat-seeking missiles.

Should the mammoth bomber come under attack, the flares distract heat-seeking missiles from the bomber's engine.

"The mission was to test the flare-drop system to see if it generates the desirable amount of heat...more than is generated by the engine," Dooms said.

While the Air Force offered no assessment as to whether the flare-drop was successful, several residents attested to the light-producing quality of the flares.

The flares were so brilliant that motorists on Sheboygan's west side believed the lights were coming directly at them.

As calls continued to come into the Sheboygan Press, there were reports of sightings as far west as Plymouth and the Sheboygan Marsh, 15-20 miles distant.

Corrine Richart, of Plymouth, was camping at the marsh with a group that observed a light display in the eastern sky from 11 p.m. Tuesday until 12:30 a.m. Wednesday.

She saw what appeared to be an orange ball that lingered in the sky long after six lights under the ball went out in sequence, two at a time.

She said she is skeptical that the Air Force maneuvers could account for everything she and the other campers saw.

Tuesday night also produced a flurry of reports of UFOs in the Oshkosh, Appleton and Fond du Lac areas.

An Eden farmer, John Dins, saw a huge oval-shaped object with bright lights in the southwestern sky at about 11:15 p.m.

Dins said the formation was so strange that it frightened his dairy herd.

The Air Force had no explanation for other UFO sightings in the Sheboygan area Tuesday night between 9 and 10 p.m.

Some reports consistently mentioned a soundless swift cluster arrangement of lights followed by a semi-circle of three lights.

Another report was of moving red lights spaced over a large area moving at extraordinary speeds.

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