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Date: July 5, 2003 4-6PM
Location: Eagle River
County: Vilas

Source: UFO Wisconsin Report - Witness requested to remain anonymous

Details of Incident:


It was late afternoon and as I was putting the cover on my boat I looked up into the sky and I noticed an extremely shiny (silver/metallic) cigar-shaped object traveling in an East to West direction. The object traveled at a very slow rate of speed and at a constant velocity. There was absolutely no sound that emanated from the object. There was no con-trail, no wings, no windows, no lights or anything of discernible nature that would suggest that this was an aircraft or balloon. The object seemed to reflect the bright sun off the surface, but then I noticed that a vertical band of light started to appear from the front of the object and traveled slowly to the back of the object. This band of light appeared every 15 seconds or so and traveled over the surface of the object (from the front to rear). The object did not change speed, hover or change direction at all. I observed the object for about 2 minutes and tracked it until it went out of sight over the tree line. The weather conditions at the time of the sighting was absolutely clear. My impression is that the object was relatively small, maybe the size of a small plane, and that the altitude of the object was ~1000ft. I truly have never seen anything like it in my life... I hope that someone else had seen this object, taken video or pictures and can confirm this sighting... I am truly blown-away at what I saw and can't stop thinking about the event...




Additional recalled observations that eventful afternoon:
Ps. Also, when I viewed the object, the rear hemi-spherical end was "out of
focus" the appearance was like as if you could take a picture of the
cigar-shaped object in sharp resolution, but the back portion (and probably
the front) was simply "blurred" .  My instinct is telling me that this
object has a tremendous gravitational field running thru the axis of the
object and that reflected light is being bent...  Only a guess...  Also, as
the vertical band of light traveled over the surface of the object (imagine
the light emanating on a perpendicular line from the surface of the object)
as the light traveled to the back of the object (on the curved rear surface)
all of a sudden I saw a prism of multi-colored light hit me (similar as if
you accidentally glanced into one of the laser scanners in a food  store).
Finally, the surface of the object was shiny but not polished.  Again,
similar to a semi-gloss (silver colored) ceramic substance...  Sorry for not
conveying this information the first time, but since I still constantly
think about this event, I wanted to put down everything is saw that eventful



Name withheld.

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