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Date of Incident: February 2005
Time of Incident: 3-4am
Location of Incident: Sandville Wisconsin
Other Related Reports: Not Applicable

Source of Report: UFOwisconsin.com online sightings report form by Name With Held

Details of Incident:


We were in bed sleeping last week and both of us were woken up by a bright fast light that we saw that filled our bedroom like daytime then it went to our son's room this was a split second we think. it was there long enough for us to wake up and see it. all we saw was light. we have actually seen ufo's and had about 7 witnesses including 1 neighbor. but this is odd because we live on 3 1/2 acres and nothing around here could even produce that intense of a light source and vanish without us seeing anything... I have lived here about 12 years and we have had 2 nights of visually seeing the wildest zig zagging lights that could stop and manuver in any directions at speeds I'm sure are unknown to mankind. we just don't understand what could be of interest to other life around except there is around 100 acres behind us that is very secluded and empty.I have nothing to gain or lose by sharing this but if someone has seen anything I have described here you know I'm not ma!
king this up and I would love to here your experience and what the area was like that you saw them ... The light had to be something very close to our house and it makes me a little nervous for my families welfare. we have never been harmed or even seen any life forms just the lights ...Thanks for your time


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